Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Turn It In

We will be using TurnItIn.com to evaluate our paraphrasing and check for plagiarism. The first time we use "Turn It In" will be practice. You will use the results to revise your paragraphs and avoid plagiarism. After we are finished with the project, you will upload your paragraphs again to be checked for a grade. Be sure to use this first opportunity to revise any problems areas to ensure you will get a good score when the upload is graded!

Turn It In

Students Directions for creating a Turnitin.com account

  1. Click on the link above for TurnItIn.com
  2. Click on "Create Account" in the top right corner
  3. It look like you need an address; ignore that. Scroll to the bottom and click on "student"
  4. Enter the Class ID and password (written on the board). 
  5. Enter your Trussville City Schools email address and use the password you use for the chromebook. 
  6. Enter a security question you will remember the answer to and click "I agree and Continue"
  7. Click on our class name.

Uploading a paper to Turnitin.com

  1. After you click on our class name, click "Submit"
  2. Click on "Cut & Paste" and change it to "Single File Upload"
  3. Submission title: Practice
  4. Choose Google Drive
  5. Click "Allow"
  6. Choose the document "Expository Book + Works Cited" and click "select"
  7. Click "upload"
  8. Once the paper has uploaded, click confirm
  9. Go to "view assignment"
  10. Click originality at the top, which will give you your plagiarism percentage and show you the report. 

Use your results to revise your paper

The results will show you areas in your paper that are too close to the original articles. Use this information to revise your paper to avoid plagiarism. 


  1. are they supposed to do this at home or will it be done in class?, thanks

  2. This will be done in class today. The instructions here are for students that may be absent today.
