Thursday, December 6, 2018

Mini Courses

It’s time for our 4th Annual HTMS Mini-Course Day! Mini-Courses will be held on Friday, December 14th and are a great way to learn more about a topic of interest or practice a skill! Please read the following information carefully about searching the catalog and signing up for a Mini-Course:

  • The Mini-Course Catalog is available now using the following link:
  • The Sign Up link will be available in your English/ Language Arts Google Classroom 12/6/18 at exactly 3:00 pm. 
  • Many courses will fill up quickly so please choose a few that you are interested in before logging in to sign up.
  • If you do not get your desired mini-course and want to be placed on stand-by for that particular course, you have the option to complete the Stand-By Form. This link will be attached to the information in your ELA Google Classroom. You will need to register for another course in case a spot does not open up.
  • If you sign up for a course and decide to NOT come to school on Friday, December 14th, please cancel your sign up or email Mrs. DeMent so that your spot can be given to a student from the stand-by form.

We are looking forward to a great day of fun learning!!!

Grammar Review

Yesterday, students completed a practice test for direct/indirect objects and predicate words. We discussed the practice test in class in preparation for the test that is scheduled for tomorrow. Students also completed additional grammar practice that wasn't part of the practice test. The key for the grammar review can be found below.

Grammar Review Key


Here is the link for the current four weeks of "Caught Ya Grammar" (CYG). Remember, you are expected to complete the daily CYG on your own before we go over it each day in class. I will take up your completed CYG sheet when you are given another in order to give you credit for your work. If you are absent, you are still responsible for completing that day's CYG and checking with a friend. If you misplace the CYG sheet I provided to you, you can print a new one for yourself below.

CYG 12/3-12/10
CYG 1/3-1/10